Fellow Republicans,
Now that our official website is thoroughly updated, we wanted to update you on the new Leadership that was elected only a few days ago.
Below are the list of positions available to run for, the candidates and the results:
Stephen Bryant - 11 votes - 91.67% ✓
Other - 1 vote - 8.33%
Vice Chairman:
George Cross - 11 votes - 91.67% ✓
Other - 1 vote - 8.33%
Ethan Davis - 3 votes - 25%
Mr Icy - 8 votes - 66.67% ✓
Other - 1 vote- 8.33%
Now that the next GOP Leadership has been elected and assembled, a few things have been accomplished. For instance; completing the GOP Rule Book and completing the GOP's official website.
Starting next week, we will be updated you weekly about what we've been accomplishing. We hope you have enjoyed seeing this election result, and we this gives you inspiration to run for a GOP Leadership position in the near future.
For now, that is all.
Thank you,
-The GOP Leadership